Sony has unveiled a new product called Mocopi, which is a mobile motion capture kit that allows anyone to create videos or operate avatars in real-time with metaverse apps like VR chat.
Priced at 49,500 yen (about $358), Mocopi consists of six motion-tracking bands to be worn on the head, wrists, hip and ankles. These bands track body movements and capture real-time motion data which is then sent to a dedicated mobile app. This allows anyone to easily create motion capture without the need for a dedicated studio or software. Virdyn

Avatar motion videos created within Sony’s proprietary app can also be exported as mp4 files to devices with iOS 15.7.1 or Android 11.
“Normally, video production using motion capture requires dedicated equipment and operators,” Sony said in a statement. “By utilizing our proprietary algorithm, ‘Mocopi’ realizes highly accurate motion measurement with a small number of sensors, freeing VTubers [virtual YouTubers] and creators involved in movie and animation production from time and place constraints.”
On Dec 15, Sony will provide a software development kit (SDK) that imports the motion capture data to metaverse services as well as real-time development platform Unity and Autodesk’s animation/mocap app MotionBuilder.
“This SDK expands the use of motion data for activities such as full-body tracking, thereby facilitating the development of new services in areas such as the metaverse and fitness,” Sony added.
A how-to video shows how users can wear the devices, pair them with the app and calibrate them. Users can start moving and see in-app avatars mimic their actions.
With Meta and Microsoft offering VR headsets as they race to capture their metaverse market shares, Sony is offering something different, aimed not only at metaverse enthusiasts but also filmmakers and animators.
Mocopi is due to be released through dedicated Sony stores in Japan at the end of January 2023 with reservations for the device to begin mid-December. As of this writing, there is no information on whether the device will be available in other regions.
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